Sunday, April 12, 2015

1975 Madame Alexander Puddin' Crier doll

 I recently found this Madame Alexander baby doll at a thrift store for $2.00
 She was wearing this horrible dress that was not original.

 She was very dirty and had ink marks.

 I gave her a bath with baking soda and water, just rubbing her vinyl skin with a 
washcloth dampened in the paste.  All the marks came off!

 I selected a dress I had made for an 18" doll I already had.


 1975 "Puddin" crier doll,
The pink is beautiful against her skin and brings out
her rosy cheeks.  The right outfit can make the doll!

 Before & After


I have rediscovered my love of dolls.  It all began when we purchased my daughter's first American Girl doll.  It was the smell of the package as it opened, the silky quality of her hair and the miniaturization of everything we collected for her.  Our American Girl Doll Blog

When I was a girl I had this doll, given to me by my grandmother:
She is a 16" Effenbee Petite Filles doll.  I would play with her for hours, washing her hair and curling it, washing her clothes, (I only had 2 dresses for her) I made sure she and all her friends were put to bed and tucked in every night.

Anyway, we now have a large collection of miscellaneous dolls, from American Girl to Raggedy Ann and Andy, Sock monkeys to Edith Flack Ackley dolls.

 Raggedy Ann I found at a thrift store.
Andy I matched with Ann is from ebay.

This little girl I found at the same thrift store as Ann.

 Edith Flack Ackley doll I made.

Sock puppy and Sock kitty that I made

SO, I just wanted to share all I enjoy about dolls and doll-making.  I also wanted to have a place to show case our existing dolls and any new dolls we add to our collection.  I hope you enjoy our journey into doll collecting!