Saturday, December 12, 2015

Making shoes for 10.5" Fashion doll

When I found Toni she did not have any shoes, so
I went searching for shoes that would fit her.
These are the shoes available on ebay that fit these 10.5" dolls.
This pair is over $8.00 for molded plastic!
SO, I decided I wanted to make some shoes.
Below is a pattern I created myself.  
*Click on this image, save it to your photo file and print.*
When you print it make sure the square prints out as 1 inch.

 I cut 2 pieces of thin cardboard - like from a cereal box - for each foot.
Then I use white glue and glue the cutouts onto a piece of fabric.
(I didn't get a photo of this step, sorry)
After it is dry cut away the excess fabric from the cardboard sole.

At this point I place the sole on the doll's foot to get the right bends for her heel height.

 Next I use small ribbon or bric-a-brac for the strap.
I glue the first side just behind the ball of the foot on the sole.
I use hot-glue because it is fast, but you could use white glue and
 pin the pieces in place until they dry.

 Here is the top sole with the strap glued in place.

For this heel I used a 3/16th dowel and cut it to about 1/2" length.
I sanded the tip to create a pointy heel.
Then I used red nail polish so it would have a shiny finish.
I hot-glued the heel onto the bottom sole, 
then I carefully ran a line of red nail polish along the sides of each shoe.

And here are the finished shoes!
 Here are a couple more I have made as well...

For the gold shoes I found some little plugs of some kind in my husbands tool drawer.
I used glitter glue on the gold heels.
For the blue shoes the heels are made from glass beads.  
I have not been completely satisfied with the side edges of my shoes, but I am looking for a solution.

I'll keep you posted!