Sunday, March 26, 2017

Madame Alexander Cissy Doll

AS usual I was thrifting and almost passed by the doll pile every thrift store seems to have.  
I did a double take before it registered what I was seeing.

 Un-believable! A Madame Alexander Cissy doll from the 1950s
AND wearing her original dress!!

 She was dirty and needed some TLC.
BUT! Her lashes are intact, her limbs
are intact and her wig is in good shape!

 My biggest worry was her hair.  This is a wig which 
means I must be VERY careful how I handle it.

 Label in her dress.

She got the usual baking soda wash.
She was very yellow.  I'm not sure what causes this.
Usually it is cigarette smoke, but she had no odor at all.

This is yellow from her eyes.  I used a swab dipped in alcohol.

Here is how her hair looks now!
I did not wash her hair, just brushed 
it out and restyled it.

Ready to see her in her original dress?


I made her hat, earrings and shopping basket.

Previous owner fixed a tear on her skirt
and the lace is yellowed on this side.

 I love the back of this dress.  
Look at all those gathers!

Here are some more Cissy photos.

 Here she is in another vintage dress.

A lovely vintage nightgown and robe set.

Cissy at her dressing table wearing her
vintage Madame Alexander opera dress.

A vintage picnic outfit.

And another vintage taffeta dress and swing
coat and handmade matching hat.


I must say I feel amazingly fortunate
to have found my Cissy!