Sunday, January 26, 2020

What's in a name?

"So, here I am getting ready to go to a party and I 
haven't decided on a name yet!"

"Well, which name do you like best?"

"It's so hard to choose! There's Margaret, Emily, 
Kathleen, Jacqueline and Madeline."

"That is a hard choice. I like Emily because it goes with Cissy.
You know, they both end in 'Y'."

"hehe, Emily...I think I like that too.
Emily and Cissy.
Thank you Cissy, you're the best sister ever."

"Good, that's settled. let's go to the party!"

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Miss Revlon gets a wardrobe!

In my previous post I shared how I found and restored
this vintage Miss Revlon Doll.

I so enjoy doing a doll makeover
and this was no different.
But even though I had some items 
that fit this new doll, and the
dress she came in did make up very nicely
for her.  Every girl needs more than one dress!

SO, I did a little search online and guess what I found?

She sells dresses for all the Vintage fashion dolls!
I ordered this  blue Taffeta dress for my Miss Revlon.

How pretty is that?

Then I found this lot of dresses and accessories..

Sadly some of these pieces were too small!
I couldn't wait for my orders to arrive.
Do you want to see how she looks in her new dresses?


This blue taffeta is so pretty!

This neckline is classic.

Next is a pink lace evening gown

and finally a white shirt dress

This next outfit is made up of misc pieces I already had.
I think this is something she would wear
to the farmers market on a cool spring morning.

What do you think?
Is it an outfit?

Here it the outfit with her swing coat buttoned
at the collar.

Here is the outfit without the coat.

These pedal pushers have little grommets
Here they are with green ribbon...

And yellow ribbons.
Which do you like best?

Miss Revlon needs a name!
I can't keep calling her Miss Revlon.
Any thoughts?

Thursday, January 02, 2020

A thrift Store Miss Revlon!

I was going to wait a week to publish this but I was TOO excited!

I was visiting family over the Holidays and
decided to go thrifting, of course!
Some people turn their noses up at the idea of thrift stores,
but look who I have found! 
Yes, she is an, 18"  Miss Revlon doll from the 1950s!
This is not her original dress and she is
VERY dirty.

Her hair is in good uncut condition, her eyebrows are not faded.
Her eyes are clear and the whites are not discolored!

Here is the dress she was wearing.  
It is very dingy and I wonder
what it will look like after a wash?

There is a row of sequins around the neckline.

Into a wash with some other recent finds.
This photo was taken after the first rinse.
The first wash water was BROWN!

How ironic that I am washing my Revlon doll
with Revlon wig shampoo!
Wig shampoo, or Synthetic hair shampoo,
can be found in almost any beauty supply shop.
It is best for washing doll hair.

All lathered up!

She is very dirty!
I always use a magic eraser on dolls skin.

 Before and...

After her first hair brushing she looks
better already.

Here are all the dresses that I was washing.
more on these later!

Her dress looks so much better!
 It does not fit her properly, but
I plan on doing a dress makeover!

The sequins are crystal clear!
After this dress was dry, I detached 
the skirt from the bodice and
fitted it to Miss Revlon.
Then I put it all back together!
(But I forgot to take pictures!)

She came wearing her original underpants.
I have removed the old elastic and
will replace it with new.

Here are her underpants all renewed with new elastic.
The bustier I made for my Cissy Doll
 to wear under this dress.

While her dress is drying I made her a crinoline.
This is an easy thing to make and
really makes these 1950s style dresses work!

This is my doll hair kit.
The Revlon spray is for synthetic hair.
It goes on like hair spray and I comb
the doll's hair into shape.

That is why I keep these mini brushes
and comb.  
I don't recommend these for general
hair brushing, but for smoothing and brushing
 small heads of hair into curls they are ideal.

Here she is with a bit smoother hair.
The finishing spray gives her hair 
a little more shine.

Are you ready to see her all done?



You might recognize this bandeau hat from our

I also pinked her cheeks a little and repainted her
nail polish. 

Before and After
Can you believe this is the same dress!?!
What a transformation!

Well, this was a very fun and unexpected treat;
to find a lovely doll like this in a thrift store
and give her a second chance.
My favorite thing to start out a New Year at the Savage Pea.


Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Vintage Doll Shoe Sizes

Updated: 5/20/21
I am again updating my Doll Shoe Sizes.
Hopefully, this will help you when you 
go to purchase shoes for one of your dolls.

Always remember, when ordering doll shoes,
that going by millimeters or inch
measurements is best!
I have found a 54mm shoe called a size 6 and a size 8!

Below is a link to a shoe size chart from "Prilly Charmin's Doll Shop"
Prilly Charmin Shoe Size Chart

The chart I have made below is mostly
to help me find shoe sizes for my personal doll collection.
I thought some of you might be aided by what I have found.

I have listed dolls who share the same size.

Most recently I have added 14" Mary Hoyer and 
13" Betsy McCall shoe sizes.

As you can see, 14" Mary Hoyer and 
13" Betsy McCall can share shoes.

Strange but true, 13" Betsy and 9" Patsyette
can share shoes too!
Unfortuantely the Mary Hoyer
has a thicker foot, so she can't share.

Look at that! This is why the height of a 
doll is not enough to find the right shoe size.

Here are my 9" Effanbee Patsyette dolls.
They are both wearing 38mm shoes.
The original shoes on the right are a perfect fit!
The new bought shoes on the left are loose.
This is just what to expect with dolls shoes.
Some fit perfect, others fit just OK.

19" Sally Ann can wear the same size shoes as
my American Girl Doll Molly.
This means Patsy Ann has LOADS of
shoes to choose from!

As you can see here my 17" Patsy Joan
can share shoes with 16" Arranbee Wendy. 
Wendy's feet are shorter, but wider.
Both these girls can wear a 65mm or a 68mm.

Here is my 13" Patsy Jr. doll with my 16" Patsy Joan
reproduction doll.  They share the same shoes!
Again, doll height is no guarantee of shoe fit.

BUT, the most important thing
when finding the right doll shoes?

"Do your doll's look adorable?!?"