Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Day At The Beach

Hi Girls, are you interested in going surfing with us tomorrow?


OK, we'll pick you up at 6am.

Oh no! That's too early.

Um, but that's when the tide is going to be best...

Oh!, well we couldn't possibly be ready that early.
But, maybe we'll meet you there and you can 
get a spot for us!

Um, sure, do you need us to help carry

Oh, that's a great idea!  Thanks!
We just need you to take a couple little things.

Are you sure this is ALL?

I think that will do.  
Don't crush my hat!

Um, OK, I'll be careful.
Guess we'll see you tomorrow...


Let's get some surfing in before the girls get here.

6:00 am

8:00 am

10:00 am

That was awesome!
Yeah, but we better get the girls things.

This is such a nice spot boys.
Yes, thank you for bringing our things out
and setting up the umbrella.

It was no problem at all.
Is that lunch?

Sunday, July 19, 2020

MORE Vintage Doll Dresses!

Yes, I have MORE vintage doll dresses.
I will sometimes let a lot of time go by
without once looking through vintage
doll clothes on eBay.
Then, suddenly, I'll go a little crazy 
and bid on several lots at once.
This lot arrived as I was finishing my previous post.
I did not wash this lot as they smelled fresh and clean!

These are perfect PJs for Cindy.

Now she is ready for a sleepover.

Next is this grey skirt.
Looks perfect for school.

Cindy looks ready for class in
this classic skirt and blouse.
Who doesn't love a red school bag?

This pink dress is my favorite.
I love the scalloped skirt.

How cute is this?

Next is this simple little white dress.
I think it is either batiste or organdy.

I wanted to see how it looked on Joam.


This next gown is a bit of a mystery.
I think it is a Hostess gown, but
Not sure what the extra piece is for.

Here it is on my Miss Revlon, Emily.
I know, beautiful!

This is what puzzled me.
It's too short for a wrap.
I tried using it like a sash, nope.

Here it is pretending to be a wrap.
This belt looks great with this dress.

This next dress is a bonus.
It came all on its own.
I really thought it might fit my Little Miss Revlon.
Nope! Too big, but who might it fit?

When it arrived it had fabric flowers
STAPLED to the front!
I know, what were they thinking?

It fit my Shirley Temple perfectly.
I removed the staples and pressed the dress.

How sweet is that?

Here are my two curly top besties
wearing their new dresses.

So, what now?


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Vintage Doll Dresses

I am always looking for a possible lot of vintage doll
clothes.  These are two of my recent finds.
This group of dresses was heavy in pink. That is always a draw.

This lot had some interesting fabrics and styles.

I always gently wash all the vintage doll clothes
I purchase.  Most clothes do well and brighten up
with a gentle wash. Never scrub just swish!

There were some minor repairs.

There were some holes needing to be stabilized.

This little dress I removed and replaced 
all the lace around the neckline.

Here is the same dress after 
freshening up.

Very sweet.

This dress mostly needed to be pressed.

How pretty is this dress on Joan?

I also love it on Molly, but sadly
it is a little too tight.

This little bed jacket was in great shape.

Ann looks ready to be tucked in.

I wasn't so sure about this skirt, but...

Look at it paired with this pink blouse!

Now one of my favorites!

This dress is made from flannel, but
I love the tiny flower pattern.

Here's Charlotte in her first fashion show!
I think the sleeves need something.

Here are 2 pink dresses from the first lot.

Here is Ann and...

Charlotte, both pretty in pink.

This red plaid dress will be fun for Christmas.

Joan always looks pretty in red.

This pinafore skirt has a lot of potential.

I added a yellow blouse and how cute is that?

Another yellow and blue dress.

Again, this dress just needed a wash and press.
First, I tried it on Patsy.

Then I tried it on Joan.

I think Joan wore it best!

Some more yellow, but SO rumpled.

My Molly liked this dress.
It looks like a 1940s style.

She even had a hat and gloves to finish
her look.

I also recently found another vintage doll quilt.

It looks perfect in this antique cradle.

Overall I am very pleased with all these new doll dresses.
I hope you enjoyed seeing them too!

My friend Anna asked about how I manage to 
press all these dresses so well.
I have a secret weapon!
A tiny ironing board.

This little ironing board was made by my husband as a prop.
One day I was trying fruitlessly to iron out
some puff sleeves on a little dress and thought,
"I need a small ironing board!"
I grabbed this prop and presto!
It worked great.