My Dolls Click image to go to post

My Dolls Click image to go to post
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Sunday, March 09, 2025

A New Doll Room

 As you all may know by now, my family
has made a move from California to
Southern Utah.

This means a NEW Doll Room!

This is the new doll room right after we moved in.
WOW, overwhelming!

The first thing I had to do was repaint ALL
the big doll house rooms.

While in storage, the wood boxes
started splitting.

 I filled cracks with
wood putty and then sanded.

All the room boxes got a fresh coat of white paint.

This took me a few days to finish.

I chose some craft paper to use like wall paper.
Emma chose this bird paper for her room.
The side walls are painted to match the paper.

Mix white glue with water to make 
homemade Mod Podge.
Brush the glue and water mix on 
the wall and press the paper in place.

Everything was going great!
Our new house was starting to look like 


My mom suddenly took ill.
We made an emergency trip to Texas,
she was in a coma when I arrived.
My mom passed away three days later.

What do I do now?
Mom and I were very close.
How do I go on without her?

I avoided my doll room. 
I just lost interest in everything.
I decided I needed to stay busy.

I forced myself to get back to work.
Max, the emotional support Dachsund, has been very helpful.
(He mostly sleeps under a blanket)

"We'll help you mom."
The girls all helped me unpack.

Molly was so helpful in the kitchen.

Slow progress was made.
Here is the Doll House so far.

The living room is done.

And the kitchen.

Not too sure about this paper.
What do you think?

The whole top of the doll house is now
for my 1970s girls.

Here is where Cricket and Mia sleep.


Emma's Room all done.

This is for either Molly or Kit.
We may rearrange rooms a bit.

This is Grace and Julie's room.
This room will get a new paint color.
Yellow? Lavender?

This is the Glamor doll room.  It will be painted
pink or maybe a pink stripe paper?

Here is the whole house.

Next time I'll reveal the rest of the doll room.

Hugs my friends


Anonymous said...

I’m so sorry about your mother. Losing your mom is a pain that diminishes to a dull feeling in time,but never goes away. I have missed your doll room, though. I’m so happy it’s coming back.

Conni M.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Conni,
Thank you so much. I still feel pretty raw, but I know she is at peace and out of pain. I miss her terribly.
I am glad you are looking forward to the completion of the doll room. I have about one quarter the space of my previous attic room, but I am making it work!

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom... Sadly we lost my sister last week. A different pain, but losing someone is the hardest part of life. We both loved dolls. Perhaps you can dedicate a little piece of your mom somewhere in your new doll room. And when you're in there playing, it may help you to think upon wonderful memories of her❤️🌹

Janet said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. The loss is an ache that never goes away, one can only try to remember the good times. I have a picture of my Mom right above my sewing machine, I lke to think she is encouraging me on.


Brenda Savage said...

Hi Jennifer,
So sorry to hear about your sister. Loss is loss. I know you must have lovely memories with your sister and the dolls you enjoyed. I have photos of my Mom in my doll room. One in particular of us together is on my desk in front of me. It does remind me of all the lovely memories together.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Janet,
Thank you! It is a great ache at the moment. I have had such kind and supportive words, like yours, from so many people. One theme is that the loss of a mother is an ache that never leaves, just becomes more bearable over time. I have had several moments when I felt my Mom was right behind me smiling and telling me not grieve for her. She never likes it when I cried.

Anonymous said...

What a surprise and a shock when I went to look you up again for a friend to see both your happy and sad news! My heartfelt sympathies go out to you for the loss of your mom. So heartbreaking. I'm glad your new doll room keeps you busy with her "encouragement." 😉

I love what you are doing so far with the AG girls and their room repairs. I absolutely love the kitchen wallpaper. The skirted sink so adorable. All is cozy and welcoming!

I will share your blog site with my friend, Cathryn. She will be ecstatic you moved to her state!
Hugs to you dolly friend,
Michele W.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Michele,
Thank you for all your kind words. I debated sharing this news about my Mom, but I knew my doll friends would understand.
I am pleased that you like my doll room choices. I wanted a change in the doll house and thought wallpaper might be nice. Thanks for sharing my blog with your friend Cathryn.
Hugs dolly friend

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read about the passing of your mother. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I was hoping that you would return to sharing your doll room once again; and I am happy to see that you are. Thank you. You always have a happy place to visit. You are doing great with all the remodeling of the houses and the doll furniture. I look forward to seeing more. (Sandra)

Doreen, Arkansas said...

Hello Brenda, So surprised to hear about the loss of your mother. It will be in your mind and heart always. So glad to see you taking up your doll projects knowing she is still encouraging you. Blessings and prayers to you and the rest of your family.
I too must add, the wallpaper idea is a winner. Each and every pattern you have added is just perfect for that space. Pink and white stripes...YES please!! Can't wait to see the babies area completed too. I just love your vintage and baby dolls.
Glad you have your cute puppy as cuddly support, dogs are the best! Thinking of you....Doreen in Arkansas

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Sandra,
Thank you. I have had such kind words from everyone. It is really healing to me. I'm glad I got back in the doll room it has helped to stay busy and focused.
I am pleased with the doll room so far. I am still doing a LOT of organizing making everything fit in a smaller space.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Doreen,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It measns a lot to me right now. I was thinking of pink stripes, but I couldn't find any at hte craft store! I need to try a different place maybe. I am getting to work on the compo dolls room next!