Thursday, December 21, 2017

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to share how pretty some of our Christmas 
dresses look in front of the tree.
You might remember this first dress, 
I fitted it to Cissy because it was too big.

This dress I made from the vintage pattern below.

I found this pattern on eBay.

I decided to use this cute hat pattern for this dress

It's Santa!

This dress I found on eBay and hoped it would fit Elise.
It reminds me of White Christmas!

So pretty!

This little dress I made as well.

This was a partially complete dress 
I had started for another doll.

Here they are all together.

This is something I made with my Mother's help.
I know some crochet basics but never could figure out
how to follow a pattern so Mom is teaching me.

It was supposed to be a sleeveless dress, haha!
So much for the pattern.
 Eventually I gave up and went off on my own.

Not too bad for a flub-up.

Side view so you can see the bonnet.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Some new pretty dresses

I found this ad online. I was really interested 
in the green and white dress in front.

I washed and pressed the dress.
It is a sheer fabric with lots of body.

I added the white ribbon sash.

Very pretty Cissy!

Imagine my excitement when I tried this second dress on Cissy.

I already had this bandeau hat - perfect!

 You can maybe see that the yellow bric-a-brac
has silver threads in it.  This dress is SO adorable!

This little blue dress came with the 2 dresses above.
This dress is very sweet.

Looks like a school dress.

I love the big bow in back.

This wool coat is from another lot of doll clothes.
It fits Shirley perfectly!
Here is the lot the coat came from.
Notice the sailor top and capris?

Here they are!

Very cute!

This sadly wrinkled dress looks like this now...

Can you believe it?

 I never expected this dress to look so adorable!

I saved this dress makeover for last.
It was very plain and too big for Elise.
I did a bit of fitting in the bodice and added some lace.


Some scalloped lace added a  bit of length.

This dress came out better than expected.
 I thought she needed a wrap though... 


Very pretty.
I love makeovers!