Friday, September 18, 2020

A 10" Fashion Doll Shopping Spree!

SO, I was lying on my couch with a broken foot,
feeling a bit sorry for myself when this box arrived!

OH! I know what this is!
But let me show all of you.

The first thing I saw was lots of
pink tissue paper.

Then all these wonderful little packages.

Look how pretty everything is.
Well, sadly, I could not go upstairs with
my broken foot, so I had to set this box
on the bottom stair and walk away.

But a couple days went by and soon enough I was able
to hop up those stairs to my doll room.

The first thing I did was begin unwrapping 
my package contents.

There was this pair of Royal blue heels...

These Fuchsia pink with gold heels...

and these black heels.

I grabbed the next item.

There was this one-piece suit...

It also had this overskirt and hat.
The pink shoes are perfect for this outfit.

This outfit also came with this 
little matching kerchief.

Next is this blue fabric.
What could it be?

Another adorable one-piece.
I love the collar detail.
(Would that be called a collar?)

This also has an over-skirt, hat
and a matching shopping bag.

OH! What could be in here?

This lovely green print dress with...

Matching shoes!

A matching coat and handbag.

Last is this lavender something...

There was a Lavender print dress, matching hat, 
handbag and shoes!

Here is a close-up of the shoes...

And handbag...

And matching hat and earrings.

The complete ensemble.

Where, you may ask, did I get all this
10" doll splendor? From my friend
Susan who makes everything!
Clothes, shoes, hats and handbags!!
This is her Facebook page:

And, if you'd like to join other 10"
fashion doll collectors, you
might enjoy joining our doll club.

I hope you enjoyed opening all
my new doll clothes with me!


  1. Magnificence. Beautiful doll and great clothes. Have fun. Hugs.

  2. Thank you Zacisze,

    I had so much fun opening all these lovely doll clothes. It was almost more fun sharing with my friends.


  3. Dorothy In PA10:36:00 PM

    Dear Brenda, I hope your foot is better now. I am sure that your dollies missed you when you could not go upstairs.

    I am delighted to see another of your wonderful fashion shows. Does your friend have an etsy shop? I don't have Facebook.

    I don't have any 10 inch fashion dolls to dress. I dress my Little Darlings, Bonekas, and Gotz Happy Kidz dolls.

    Every time I see your American Character doll, I want one. She is so pretty.

  4. Those clothes are beautiful. Your friend does such lovely sewing. The girls all look stunning.
    I hope your foot is getting better. Having such a lovely package of clothing to open would certainly help!
    Take care

  5. Anonymous11:50:00 AM

    Brenda sorry about your foot. WOW! what a treasure has cone you way. Love all of the fine made outfits.

  6. Anonymous11:53:00 AM

    I love ,love everything in the box. My favorite is the green one. it would be a good outfit for ST.Patrick's Day and or Easter. Take care and hope you heal quick.

  7. Anonymous11:55:00 AM

    Sorry about your foot. Brenda your friend is a wiz. What beautiful outfits. Marilyn received a beginners set to sew last Christmas and she will start on her way to make clothes.

  8. Brenda, I recognized Susan's work right away! Woo hoo!! What a haul! I know you have some happy girls now!
    Hugs, Jenny :-)

  9. HI Brenda,

    I am sorry that you broke your foot - oh, the pain! But getting all these marvelous items from Susan jehle sure would take one's mind off the foot.

    I know you are thrilled, I have shoes and outfits from Susan too, and they are always superb!

    I think my little ladies need to get ready for a photos shoot too - they have some Attic Couturier shoes that they need to show off.


  10. Thank you Dorothy,

    I am so glad you enjoyed the fashion show. My foot is getting better everyday.
    My friend has just sent me a message saying that she is going to work on getting her website back up. I think she only sews for 10" and 18-19" fashion dolls.

    I do really love my American Character doll. She has such a pensive expression. If you ever get an American Character doll you could join our 10" doll club!


  11. Thank you Anna,

    It was very nice to have a package of so many lovely items to look forward to opening. I couldn't wait to share it all with my friends here.

    My foot is doing much better. I am almost able to put some weight on it when I walk now.


  12. Thank you Joan,

    It was so much fun opening my package and showing all its lovely contents to you all. My friend Susan is truly an artist couturier!


  13. Thank you Marilyn,

    I love, love them too! I also really like the green dress. I think the green dress and the blue cabana outfit are my favorites.

    I am doing better each day and thanks for stopping by.


  14. Thank you Marion,

    I am glad you enjoyed our fashion show. MY friend Susan is a wiz! The detail she gets into these tiny garments is impressive. Good luck to Marilyn on her sewing project.


  15. Thanks Jenny,

    I am glad you enjoyed seeing our friend Susan's work displayed here! I had so much fun opening my package and dressing up the girls in their new finery. I am now thinking about another post or two with the girls in their new outfits. I have a couple ideas already.


  16. Thank you Janet,

    I thought you had some of Susan's creations as well. I can't remember having so much fun. Getting all these lovely outfits all at one time was a treat.

    As you say, I am thrilled! I am thinking of some new posts with the girls in their new outfits.

    I can't wait to see some more photos of your girls.

  17. So sorry to read you have been laid up Brenda, hope your on the way to being mended again!
    Little parcels are always good pick-me-ups, and I love all these pretty doll outfits, they are gorgeous. I'm also happy to see you keep tempting me with Little Miss Revlon. LOL! I will eventually add her to my collection, just not yet. :)
    Big hugs, enjoy dressing your dollies!!

  18. Thank you Xanadu,

    My foot is much better. Walking with just a cane and small boot now, thankyou.

    I had so much fun with these new outfits, dressing up my 2 girls. This is such a fun size doll. I highly recommend. : )


  19. Just gorgeous! I hope your foot is better!

  20. Thank you Maryn!

    My foot is much better. I am wearing a regular shoe now and barely limp at all.


  21. I've missed your more recent blog posts, but I'm so glad to have seen this one. What a wonderful friend to send these beautiful things to you! It would be difficult for me to pick a favorite. Charlotte

  22. Thankyou Charlotte,

    Me too! I love them all! I had so much fun opening them up and playing dress up with my 2 girls.



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