Thursday, April 04, 2024

Guess What?

Emma:  We are going to need more tissue paper.
Molly:  I agree, let me ask Kit.

Kit: Don't ask me, I need more too!
Maybe ask Martin?

Martin:  I need more boxes.

Joan: Don't pack Dolly!
Charlotte:  I won't, I promise.

Shea: Good job Cricket, be sure everything is cushioned.
Cricket: OK, I think I have enough.

So, What's happening at the Savage Pea?
We're moving!

Our whole family will be packing up and moving out of state.
This means we may be quiet for a month or so, but
don't worry we will be back as soon as we can!

Big Hugs,
Brenda and the Savage dolls.



  1. Best wishes for an easy move! Looking forward to your return!

  2. Hi Mary N,
    Thank you! Moving is so stressful! I will be happy when this is all done ad I can set up my new doll room!

  3. Hi Cornucopia of Stitches,
    Thank you! Sorry I don't know your name. I will return. I will have to pack up my computer soon and I am not sure when I will get it set up again! I promise I will come back.

  4. Hi Brenda,
    What a surprise. I hope your move is not too stressful and goes to plan for you. I will be sad to see you leave your old doll room behind, but look forward to seeing your new one. Best wishes to you and your family.

  5. Hi Brenda
    i sure hope your new place has a wonderful doll & sewing room. II know a big move like that can be stressful, but exciting too.

    I wish you good luck, and a nice place to settle into.


  6. Hi Anna,
    This was a bit of a surprise for me as well. My DH has been thinking about this for awhile, we discussed it here and there, but this is happening fast! I am hoping to find myself another doll room, but not sure it will be as perfect as this one! Sigh.

  7. Hi Janet,
    Thank you! I am stressed out a bit, but trying to have a positive attitude. I am sure we will find something eventually. We will rent a house int he new location just to give us time to look around. I definitely don't want to rush into a new house!
    Big hugs

  8. Wow! That was unexpected! Happy moving! I will miss this beautiful doll room. I'm sure you will have a great time making a new one. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Hi Jennifer,
    Thank you! Yes, a doll/sewing room is on my wish list! It may take a few months to find just the right place, but I know it's out there! We will still have some posts while looking for a permanent house. So stay tuned!


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