Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Elise Dress Tutorial

I recieved this Madame Alexander Elise for Christmas.

She came in her gold ballerina tutu.
Elise  borrowed this pink stripe Miss Revlon 
Dress.  Now she needs a dress 
of her own!

Let me start by saying I am not really a seamstress.
I am a craft sewer.  I don't do things correctly, I just
make it up as I go along!

I started the dress with this Tee-shirt pattern.
Feel free to print it.  It should be 8.5 x 11".

Stick with me and you'll see how
I turn it into a dress bodice.

Here are my fabrics.  The white is left over from
an earlier Elise dress I made.

This is that original Elise that I sold.
(I know, what a dummy!)

This white fabric has embroidered flowers.
I made sure the fold for the front of the blouse
was centered on those flowers.

Front and back cut out.

Sew shoulders with right sides together.
Press seams flat.

I cut about an inch wide piece of the flower 
fabric and as wide as the sleeve.

I wanted a divot cuff on the sleeves.
I turned the cuff inside out and cut a slit.

Then I sew a VEE around the cut I made.

Turn right side out and push scissor tip into corner
to make it square.

The following is my own weird
way to add a cuff and collar.

Cuff is sewn on right side of fabric.

Then fold cuff back.
Zig-zag along the fold.

Then fold back over right side and press. 

Now we have this.

Next I turn the bodice inside out 
and sew side seams. I sew from
the bottom hem to the sleeve/cuff.
When I reach the cuff end I backstitch.

To create tucks for shape, I pin the bodice 
on my doll inside out. Pin closed  in the back.
Then I pinch a tuck on each side.
The pin is my sewing depth.

Using my eye I sewed an arc along my pin.

Next I wanted a collar to match my cuffs.
I cut out two rectangles of my fabric
Folded over and hemmed the ends.
Always press.

I cut the collars in a slight curve to match my neckline.

I sewed the collar on the right side, then folded
it back and back again over the front of the neckline.

Bodice done! 
Now for the skirt.

I used the Miss Revlon Skirt for size.
This skirt is 42" wide by 8" deep.
My fabric was only 39" wide, 
so I cut a rectangle 39" by 8".

For the hem I fold over 2" and press.
Fold under a 1/8th inch and press.
Sew along the pressed fold to hem.
Next the top of the skirt needs to be gathered.

For those who don't know...

(This is not my skirt, but just
an illustration for those who don't know)
Sew along gather edge with a long length stitch.

Tie a knot in the threads on the right. 
The knot will stop the thread from being
pulled all the way through.

Gently pull the bottom thread on the left
to gather the fabric.  

Sew the skirt to the bodice with right sides together.
I then do a zig-zag stitch to finish my seam.

Here is the skirt sewn to the bodice.
That excess fabric on the left I cut away.

I fold the back of the collar into the 
back opening. Sew the skirt closed
and DONE!






Here she is! 

I love this fabric!

Very pretty.

One more thing!!

My DH was helping me look for fabric.
I gave him the job to hunt down
Pink Gingham

This is what he found!
I love it.
This is what I made with it...

A school skirt paired with a white blouse.

I love the little daisys!
It is still a bit cool, so
Elise will need a coat!

The blouse and swing coat are pieces
I have had in my doll clothes
collection for years.

It is perfect for taking her dachshund, 
Lacey, for walks.

Lacey was also a Christmas gift
from my Mother in law.
She is also a doll collector!


  1. It’s really a lovely dress. I’m so impressed with how easy you made it look.

  2. Hi Conni,
    Thank you! I am very happy with how the dress came out. I always hope that my strange way of doing things will help someone else try it themselves.

  3. Always lovely, Brenda! As a long-time sewer, I do two rows of stitching for gathers, and pull both bottom threads. This helps the seam allowance of the skirt lay flat and makes it easier to sew a smooth seam. Not bad at all for a 'craft' sewer!

    1. Hi Jenny,
      Thank you! Oh, thanks for that gathering hint! I will try that next time. I know real sewers who learned properly must shake their heads at my sewing! Haha! Thanks for dropping by.

  4. What a lovely job! And as a previous poster said, you make it all look so easy. How long did it take you? I tend to over complicate things and they take me FOREVER.

  5. SO very pretty! I always love your fabric choices and the details you add. And you aren't giving yourself enough credit for your sewing skills - cuffs and collars?! (I especially love the little notch detail in the cuffs - I'm inspired by that!) One of the things I think we can all admire about you Brenda is your 'can-do' approach to creativity... you undertake SO many different creative ventures, and you always succeed in producing delightful results! Thank you for all the work you do to share your process. I love it! Susan J. (usu. in IL, but now in MI)

  6. Hi Brenda,
    I can't wait to try this dress for my Elise. I love your fabric and the details of the cuffs and collar. You make your tutorials easy to follow and your instructions are always so clear. Elise must be loving her new home and looking forward to more beautiful outfits.

    1. Hi Anna,
      Thank you!
      As you can see I like things to be simple. I am the same way when I crochet, making it up as I go along. Haha!
      I am pleased with how these outfits came out.

  7. Forgot to say Lacey is cute too!

    1. Thanks Anna, I love her, so sweet!

  8. Brenda, she is lovely and I love the outfits you made! I too like special sleeve finishes. Your husband did a great job with the daisy gingham! Lovely fabric with the right feel for the age of the doll. Karen

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you! I do love Elise. I am pleased with how her dress and skirt came out. When I do things my own way sometimes things go sideways, haha! The little sleeve vee I had never tried before! It worked great I am happy to say.


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