My Dolls Click image to go to post

My Dolls Click image to go to post
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Sunday, March 09, 2025

A New Doll Room

 As you all may know by now, my family
has made a move from California to
Southern Utah.

This means a NEW Doll Room!

This is the new doll room right after we moved in.
WOW, overwhelming!

The first thing I had to do was repaint ALL
the big doll house rooms.

While in storage, the wood boxes
started splitting.

 I filled cracks with
wood putty and then sanded.

All the room boxes got a fresh coat of white paint.

This took me a few days to finish.

I chose some craft paper to use like wall paper.
Emma chose this bird paper for her room.
The side walls are painted to match the paper.

Mix white glue with water to make 
homemade Mod Podge.
Brush the glue and water mix on 
the wall and press the paper in place.

Everything was going great!
Our new house was starting to look like 


My mom suddenly took ill.
We made an emergency trip to Texas,
she was in a coma when I arrived.
My mom passed away three days later.

What do I do now?
Mom and I were very close.
How do I go on without her?

I avoided my doll room. 
I just lost interest in everything.
I decided I needed to stay busy.

I forced myself to get back to work.
Max, the emotional support Dachsund, has been very helpful.
(He mostly sleeps under a blanket)

"We'll help you mom."
The girls all helped me unpack.

Molly was so helpful in the kitchen.

Slow progress was made.
Here is the Doll House so far.

The living room is done.

And the kitchen.

Not too sure about this paper.
What do you think?

The whole top of the doll house is now
for my 1970s girls.

Here is where Cricket and Mia sleep.


Emma's Room all done.

This is for either Molly or Kit.
We may rearrange rooms a bit.

This is Grace and Julie's room.
This room will get a new paint color.
Yellow? Lavender?

This is the Glamor doll room.  It will be painted
pink or maybe a pink stripe paper?

Here is the whole house.

Next time I'll reveal the rest of the doll room.

Hugs my friends

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Saddle Stand Tutorial

 I have recently had a couple opportunities to share a saddle stand I made

with other doll collectors.  It made me think that more

of you might appreciate this DIY.

AS you know, regular waist stands are either
distracting to the outfit, like this one,


Making the outfit pooch out in an
unsighlty manner.

SO, let me show you how I make
my own saddle stands.

This is the saddle stand I made for my
Madame Alexander Cissy doll.
she sits on it like a saddle and it is

Like this, and...

This.  You see, no stand waist clamps visible.
No unsightly bulges under her dress.

You will need a wire clothes hanger, 
or similar strength wire, 
a doll stand, and of course the doll
you want to make the saddle for.

You will also need some masking tape.

The stand must be about the same height
as your dolls inseam.

You will also need pliers.  
The area I circled is for cutting wire.

Using cutters or pliers, cut your hanger about here.
save the remaining hook part of your hanger.

Bend the cut away part 
of the hanger at the center.
This bent part is inserted into your
 doll stand base.

Then fold out the wires in opposing directions.

Take the bent hanger out of the stand and create
this general shape that fits your doll.
Don't worry about the paint flaking 
off the hanger wire.

You should end up with something that 
looks like this.  You may have to trim off
some excess wire.
Don't worry if it looks WONKY
like this one!

Next you will need painters tape.

Wrap the saddle with tape to create a smoother
seat and to protect from snags.
I suppose you could use the saddle like this,
but I like to cover the seat in felt.

I cut a rectangle a bit longer
than the seat.

I hot glue the felt to the top of the saddle first.
I think tacky glue would work too.

Next snip the felt in four places
like this.

Fold under and glue around the stem.

Continue wrapping and gluing the felt
to your saddle.

Trim off any excess felt.
Your saddle should look something like this.
reinsert your new saddle in your stand


I am slowly creating saddle stands for the
different size dolls I have in my collection.

Before and...


I hope you find this a helpful tutorial.

what about the top of your hanger?

I curl the ends like this to make doll clothes hangers.
These can also be covered in felt.

As you can see, I have made my own doll 
hangers out of several wire hangers.

This allows me to hang all my larger size doll dresses.

I hope you found this helpful.
