My Dolls Click image to go to post

My Dolls Click image to go to post
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Friday, February 12, 2021

A Little Daydream...

 Me, daydreaming one day, wishing 
my doll room could magically get cleaned...

Cissy: Julie and Martin!  Glad I caught you.  
I am calling a doll room meeting.
Would you let everyone know?
Both: Sure thing!

Julie:  Hi Julia and Amanda, doll room meeting.

Amanda: We'll need help getting down.
Julie: No problem, I'll get Martin to help.

Martin: Hey Kids, Room meeting in 5 minutes.
Beth: (in a whisper)
Did he just call us kids?  
We're old enough to be his great-grandmother!

Martin: We've got you! 
Julie: We won't let you fall.

Martin: Hang on! Don't jump!

Sophie: Catch me Martin! WWEEEEEE!!!!
Martin: OOF! (I hate it when she does that)

Cissy: Hello everybody.  Quiet down please.

Cissy: The reason I called this meeting is that I
heard Mom say we would not have the room tour
until everything was clean. 

Cissy:  I also heard her say she couldn't do ANYTHING 
else until her little skirt project was finished first.

Cissy: As you can see, we have gathered some 
cleaning supplies.  Julia and Amanda 
I want you to work on the skirt project.
Amanda: OK, no problem.
Julia: We will handle it.

Cissy:  All right, everybody lets get started!

Patsy: I need help getting my lovies.
Cissy:  All right Joan and I will help you.

Martin: C'mon Julie, we'll vaccum.

(humming a little tune)

Emily:  There! Done in here.

Molly: Anymore dresses need hanging up?

Grace: I think that's all Molly, thanks!
Emma: We'll have to fold this blanket together.

Marylou: Good job girls! I'm just 
finishing in the kitchen.

Betsy: (singing) "Clean up, clean up...

"Everybody work together.."

Amanda: Are you sure we can do this?
Julia: Of course we can! How hard can it be?

Sophie: I'm a very good sew-erer, so I am 
here to help too!
Amanda: UM, maybe you could do something else for Mom?

Julia: I know!  You could make Mom some pictures!
Sophie: OK!

Sophie: (humming)

Cissy:  Well done, your room looks lovely!

Cissy: Everything here looks very nice.

Helena:  Thank you Cissy!

Beth: I'm pooped!

Cissy: Well Beth you did a very good job.
Mom will be pleased.

Emma: We're all done up here!

Cissy:  How is the skirt project?

Julia:  We are almost done!
Amanda: Just sewing on the snap.

Cissy:  Oh Sophie! You're room is still a mess!

Sophie:  I was busy sewing and drawing.
Cissy: Well, just hand me those clothes and it
will all look very nice.

Cissy: All right everyone, very well done.  
Back to your places!

(Shhh! Here she comes!)

(Step, step, step)

Mom: What happened up here? Everything is so clean!

Mom: So lovely, who could have done this?

Mom: The floors are swept and everything is dusted!

Mom: Everything looks perfect!

Mom: The kitchen is clean...

Mom: And the front room!

Mom: Who did all this work?


Mom: Oh my, what's this?  My skirt is all done!

      Mom: Oh, looks like someone has been coloring.    

Mom: Hmm, it's all such a mystery...

Mom: Cissy how did this all happen?

You're welcome!


Jenny said...

Wonderful, Brenda (Mom)!
I'm curious, is Betsy's plaid dress original, or one that has be re-made to fit? I resized a larger Sweet Sue dress to fit a 14" Sue I bought wearing only the plaid bloomers, but found a larger TLC dress at another booth the same day!
Jenny :-)

Anna said...

Hi Brenda,
I wish my family were as well behaved and helpful as yours! I never get tired of your pictures of your dolls, their rooms and accessories. They inspire me to keep working on my collection even when I feel like giving up!
Hope your are fully recovered now.

Anonymous said...

Brenda you are so lucky to have so many helpers. Congratulations children on a job well done.

Anonymous said...

What helpful children you have Brenda. Would they like to come to my house and help me clean up? They are so lovely and well mannered.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful the rooms look. Great job was done by all. Girls you did a wonderful job on the skirt.

Maryn said...

So cute! I always enjoy your picture-stories, and admire all of the time it must take to plan and pose them!

Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Jenny,

Betsy’s plaid dress is one I had in the doll dresser and it fits her almost perfectly! I love finding vintage doll clothes online. This came in one of those lots. It was a Shirley Temple dress but it really works better for Betsy. Well done refitting a larger dress for a smaller doll!


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Anna,

I love playing dolls and it makes me happy that others enjoy our adventures. I do daydream about having more help around the house, but this is as close as I get, haha! Don’t give up! I am fully recovered, thank you.


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Marion,

I am very grateful for all my helpers. The children are all very proud of themselves. They all did such a great job.


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Joan,

I wish I could magically send them all to you for any help you might need! If I could do that then all of us doll friends could zip back and forth to each other and play dolls, wouldn’t that be lovely? Ah, make believe. If only.


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Marilyn,

I am very proud of the dolls for all their hard work. It is so nice to sit up in my attic space and see all the neat lovely rooms. Julia and Amanda did an ama i g job, especially when you consider how large the machine is for them. Well done girls.


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Maryn,

I enjoy creating scenes and sharing them with all of you, my doll friends. It is a joy for me and takes me away from the stresses and worries of life. A little escapism is not a bad thing, right?


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Linda!

Yes you should show your dolls. I know they will be motivated to clean up as well. I showed my real kids and they just gave me a blank stare. Ah well.


Janet said...

Your dolls are so helpful - mine are usually agreeable to helping, but they get distracted so easily!

Every time I look at your dolls' room, I see something I hadn't noticed before, Cissy's mirror is lovely! And I think I am noticing some new bedding - I like to make sure all my dolls have a cozy afghan, too.


Brenda Savage said...

Thank you Janet,

I am usually the one getting distracted, haha. The dolls gave me such a nice surprise. I have collected SO many doll accessories over the years. I do love miniatures. I too like all my dolls to have their own place. A comfy afghan is always nice on a chilly winter evening. I enjoy small doll-size crochet projects which is why I have so many. Now you made me think about highlighting my favorite accessories. Hmm...
