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Thursday, September 05, 2024

Utah to Portland - Part Two

 Eureka, CA to Portland OR

 Morning of Day Three 

Viola: I love getting an early start!
We're are we headed this morning?

Julia: Around Arcata Bay!

Julia: According to the map, this bridge
links 3 islands and then the spit.

Viola: I just love driving along the coast like this...
Julia: Me too.

Viola: Look at that mist!
Julia:  It says here that there are Elk ahead?
Viola: Huh, wonder if we'll see any?

Stone Lagoon Schoolhouse 1893

Both: ELK!!
Viola: I wonder if we'll see any more?

Both: ELK!  
Julia:  Look there are babies!

Julia: This coastline is stunning!
Viola: It truly is! I wish we could stay longer...

Viola: Are these the redwoods?
Julia: Yes they are!  Amazing aren't they?
Our campground is just ahead.

Viola: Julia! I found a great hiking trail!

 Julia: This is amazing Viola! These trees!
I never realized how large they got!

Viola: I'm so glad we took time to stop and camp.
Julia:  Me too. So relaxing.

Viola: Night Julia...
Julia: Zzzzz

Morning of Day Four

Viola: One night is not enough to camp in the Redwoods, sigh.
Julia: I agree, maybe we'll come back? 

Viola: Look! Oregon, we're finally here!
Julia: Well, we still have several hours
 before we reach Portland.

Julia: Northbend, looks like another bridge.

Viola: Beautiful!
Julia: Amazing!
Julia: The map shows a Lighthouse up ahead.  It's
called the Coquille River Lighthouse. 
We'll get there around lunchtime?
Viola:  Let's stop there!!

1895 Coquille River Lighthouse, Bandon, OR.
Julia: Look!  There it is!!

Viola: Bandon is the cutest town!
Julia: It is! But we really need to get going,
Aunt Lillian is taking us on a 
dinner cruise tonight!

DRIVING, DRIVING and more driving...
and finally

Viola: Look at all the bridges!
Julia:  It says here the Columbia River is 
crossed by TWELVE Bridges!

Viola: We're finally here! Auntie Lil lives on a lovely street.
Julia:  She certainly does, look at those trees!

Aunt Lillian: Oh my darlings! I'm so glad you are here!
We must hurry, or we'll miss the boat!

Viola: We made it Auntie Lil!
Aunt Lil: And just in time my dears!

Photographer:  Everyone look this way! SNAP!
Julia: I wasn't looking!

Julia: Look! house boats!  I would love to live in one!
Aunt Lil: They are quite picturesque.

Viola: So many bridges!
Aunt Lil: There are twelve bridges across the
Columbia river here in Portland.

Viola: Look the Portland sign! 


Julia: Where to today Aunt Lil?
Auntie Lil: Powell's books! You'll love it!

Viola: I have never seen so many books before!
Julia: Me either!
Aunt Lil: There are three stories of books dears.

Viola: Look at this display Auntie Lil, 
a doll version of Powell's!

Julia: Such wonderful buildings!

Aunt Lil: This is St. John's bridge girls.

Julia: Look!  Love!

Julia: Oh, Auntie Lil, Portland is beautiful, 
but I love your neighborhood best!
Aunt Lil: Me too Julia..

Goodnight Portland


Anna said...

Hi Brenda, I love seeing all your pictures. The road trip must have been fantastic. It looks so much fun.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Anna,
I am so glad you enjoyed the pictures! We did have a great trip! At hte end we got to visit loved ones and we did take that dinner cruise! It was lovely.