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Saturday, January 07, 2023

Turtleneck and Denim Skirt Tutorial

This is a tutorial using an upcycled Tee
and an upcycled jean leg.
Crissy and Shea wearing their
upcycled Tee-shirt turtleneck
sweaters and denim mini skirts.

Look! Marsha is wearing a similar outfit!
I grew up watching the Brady Bunch.
I wanted long flowing hair
just like Marsha! No wonder,
my friends and I, all 
wanted a Crissy doll!

Below is the pattern I created for 
the turtleneck sweater. It is
a raglan style sleeve, which is very 
easy to sew!
Click on the photo to enlarge on your
screen.  Right click on the image 
and "save image as" to a photo file on 
your computer.

Make sure the inch square is the correct
size when you print the pattern.


You will need a lightly used tee shirt.

I like upcycling tee-shirts for doll clothes.
They are free and the finished hems
make projects simpler.  
I try to cut out so the bottom hems 
and wristbands are already done!

When I cut out the back of my shirt
I leave a little extra fabric for finishing
the back closure.

After I cut out the back, I cut it open along
the center line.

Here is the turtleneck front and one sleeve.
Line up the front and sleeve at the neck.
Stitch right sides together.

Since this was the second sweater I cut
from this tee, I needed to cut 
out the wrist bands. Always cut
wristbands using the stretchiest
direction of your fabric.

When stitching the wristband use a long
stitch setting. As you sew, stretch slightly
so your wristband and sleeve will stretch to 
fit over the doll's hand. 
NOTE: I always use my presser foot edge
for my stitch line when I make doll clothes.

Here is the wristband on the sleeve. You will 
need to finish your sleeve in this way if you
do not use the finished edges of
your tee shirt.

Sew sleeve and sweater front with right
sides together. Make sure you align
the sleeve and front from the collar.

Sew second sleeve to front and then 
sew the 2 back pieces to sleeves 
as shown above.

When sweater front, sleeves and back are all 
sewn together grab your collar.

With the collar fold pointing toward the bottom
hem, lay collar on the RIGHT side of the sweater.
Stretch ONLY the collar as you sew along neck.

This is what you should have.

Press all seams flat.

Fold over your sweater with right sides together.
Stitch up the side...

and then turn and sew the sleeve.

This is what you should have.  
Repeat on opposite side.

Trim off any excess fabric.
This type fabric should not fray.

Turn right side out and VOILA!
Now the back.

Turn back about a 1/4" and sew
down about 3  to 4 inches.

You should have this on both sides.

With right sides together, sew from the bottom
hem to a point just past the fold-back.

The back should look like this.
All that is left it to add velcro
or snap closures.


This tutorial is pretty simple.
I did not include a pattern since
this is so easy.
I laid my Crissy on a piece of paper.
I sketch this shape.

Next I dot a line about 1/2" along
each side. This is your pattern. 
You can create a pattern for any size doll!

I used a pair of stretchy jeans. Just like with
the sweater, I use the hem and the seam lines,
of the jeans.  I sew up each side.

Crissy's jeans are unfinished at the top!

With Shea's skirt, just like the collar of the 
turtleneck, I cut out some of the stretchy 
jean fabric and sew in the same fashion
 as the collar of the turtleneck sweater.
This creates a stretchy waistband 
for the skirt.

And, here they are. 
I made a second blue turtleneck
sweater for this tutorial.
What am I going to do with a 
second blue turtleneck?

Here is the second sweater on my 
15" Cricket!
Remember, the torso of these dolls
are the same size! All you need to adjust
a pattern for the 15" dolls is 
to shorten the sleeves.

Actually. I  just cut off the wristbands
and turned them under to make
the sweater fit Cricket.


This is an EASY hairband for the dolls.

Cut out a rectangle of the tee fabric in the 
stretchiest direction. This is about 
7 1/2" by 4". Don't worry if it's super
straight.  You can see how wonky
my fabric cut is!

Fold the fabric down the center and stitch.

This gives you a tube of stretchy fabric. 

Slip the hairband over the dolls head
with the seam under the hair in back.
Pull back up over the front and
arrange as desired.



Brenda Savage said...

Hi Linda,
Thank you! I grew up playing with these dolls and now they have come back into my life. I am reliving a part of my childhood. Haha! I remember wearing styles from this time and which fashions I wished I had back then.

Jenny said...

Oh, Brenda, what fun! I too watched The Brady Bunch, though those kids were slightly younger than I. I always liked the look of a turtleneck and tights under a jumper!
Jenny :-)

Maryn said...

Super cute and groovy!

Doreen, Arkansas said...

Happy New Year Brenda, I love how you used the t-shirts to create the mini shirts for the dolls. I do this often for my dolly sewing. Using the hems is such a time saver and look so polished when complete. I also agree with you completely on adding more width to the back of the clothing. There never seems to be enough on any pattern pieces I use and its frustrating to finally finish and be short of the back finished edge. Good tip for all sewers no matter what size doll you are working with.
Great idea to reuse the jeans also. I love doing this too!!
Loved seeing you beautiful winter scenes for the smaller dolls. Your crochet skills are to be congratulated.
Happy sewing, Doreen in Arkansas

Brenda Savage said...

HI Jenny,
I was thinking about creating a jumper next. Now that I have the turtlenecks that would be another easy outfit. I loved watching the Brady Bunch too.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Maryn,
Thank you! They are kinda cute and groovy aren't they? Hahaha!!

Brenda Savage said...

HI Doreen,
Happy New Year! I have been upcycling for years. I frequently get garment pieces from thrift stores. It is a great way to get a small amount of fabric cheap! I look for certain patterns or textures for what I need.
I do enjoy crocheting for my dolls. It is so easy and usually I can finish in a day. I am thinking about a crochet long sweater for these girls, but I need to think about it some more.

Janet said...

Hello Brenda,

This was a very interesting tutorial - I am sure I could adapt the pattern to fit a smaller doll, although I do think the turtlenecks and denim skirts are perfect for Crissy.

Tis doll was not of my era, but i do remember her and I love the "Brady Bunch" comparison .

I've used the sleeve of a turtle neck to make a sweater for one of my old composition dols , she's around 17 " and I used part of the body to pant matching slacks, The bottom ribbing made the waist nice and snug.

Thank you for sharing your expertise with the rest of the doll world/ I bet plenty of collectors are going to be digging out outgrown turtleneck tops to do this!


Anonymous said...

Omgosh!!! Thank you for all the step by step tutorials! Cynthia

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Janet!
Thank you my friend. I like this raglan sleeve top because it is a really easy pattern. I used old tee-shirts, but I would have liked a ribbed fabric better. I have been upcycling old clothes for a long time. It's a great way to reuse fabrics of items I really liked, but they have become tattered or worn.
These are dolls from my childhood. I think we all have a soft spot for our childhood dolls, right? I loved the Brady Bunch as a child and these dolls take me back to that time in my life.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Cynthia,
You are SO welcome! My blog posts are being blocked on the Facebook Crissy club, so I am glad you found it. I don't have any advertising or get anything from my blog except the fun of sharing doll tips, tutorials and fun!
See you on Facebook,