My Dolls Click image to go to post

My Dolls Click image to go to post
Click image to see my favorite dolls. Email me at:

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Babysitter's Club

One of my first thrifting excursions in
my new home town and look who I found!
A Miss Revlon Clone and a 
Vogue Baby Ginnette!

The Miss Revlon clone came as you see her here.
I will call her Cindy, short for Cinderella.
(She lost that shoe somehow!)

Her hair is pulled back in a round bun.

She has a very sweet face.

Cindy came with stockings, panties, earrings, 
paper flowers in her hair, one gold shoe
and her gold dress.

Baby Ginny, Ginnette, is wearing 
her original onesie and bonnet.

A very sweet ruffly outfit.

Poor baby is very dirty!

Both dolls had their clothes washed,
The brown water on the right is the gold dress!

Cindy's hair was very dry and crispy.

Sadly, her hair was very thinly rooted.
Her hair became completely straight
 after her wash!

I used this styler conditioner. I did not 
rinse it, just left it in as I combed.

After using the using the styler conditioner,
I put her hair in rollers to give it some curl.

After the rollers came out I pulled
it back into a bun.

Both dolls needed a little face refresh.

Both Baby Ginnette and Cindy got lip and 
cheeks refreshed. I also touched up Baby's hair.

Cindy's gold dress is ready to be pressed.





Here is Cindy in her gold dress.

Her hair is now soft and silky.

Honestly, I don't care much for the gold dress.
But look how pretty Cindy looks
 in this Miss Revlon dress!

So prettty!!

Cindy is babysitting baby Ginnette.

Baby looks sweet as well!

Cindy and Marylou have started 
their own babysitter's club!

Oh Cindy! What a sweet baby!

Do you want to hold her?
Oh! I don't know about that!
Maybe just put her on the bed...

Marylou! How do you expect to learn how
to take care of babies if you don't pick them up!?!
(mama mama)

I hadn't thought about that...
Not a great start as a babysitter Marylou!

Before and After photos

The Gold Dress.

Gold dress next to Pink Stripe.

And, Baby Ginnette.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Fourth of July Celebration!

Fourth at the Sand Hollow Reservoir...

This is a perfect spot to watch the fireworks!
Julia: John, let's take a walk!
John: OK, but get your hat.

Amanda: Chris, let's get the grill started.
Chris: Okay, good idea.

Chris: Ah, this is the life!
Amanda: It certainly is beautiful.

Julia: This is lovely!
John: It sure is! We better head back.

Julia: Whew!  I'm ready to sit!
John: Hey, Chris, are you cooking these dogs or what?
Amanda: Yes, I'm getting hungry!

Later that evening....

All:  Oooh, Aaaah, so pretty...

Happy Independance Day!!