My Dolls Click image to go to post

My Dolls Click image to go to post
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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Fourth of July Celebration!

Fourth at the Sand Hollow Reservoir...

This is a perfect spot to watch the fireworks!
Julia: John, let's take a walk!
John: OK, but get your hat.

Amanda: Chris, let's get the grill started.
Chris: Okay, good idea.

Chris: Ah, this is the life!
Amanda: It certainly is beautiful.

Julia: This is lovely!
John: It sure is! We better head back.

Julia: Whew!  I'm ready to sit!
John: Hey, Chris, are you cooking these dogs or what?
Amanda: Yes, I'm getting hungry!

Later that evening....

All:  Oooh, Aaaah, so pretty...

Happy Independance Day!!


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th Of July To all Enjoy and be safe
Marion.Joan and Marilyn

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Marion, Joan and Marilyn,
Happy Independance Day! I hope you all enjoy the day together.

Maryn said...

What a cute picture-story!

Happy 4th to all who are celebrating!

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Mary,
Thank you! I enjoy making these scenes with the dolls. I am pleased you enjoyed it too!