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My Dolls Click image to go to post
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Thursday, August 08, 2024

Outfits for Kendall and Willa

As you may know, we recently added Kendall to our 
doll family.  I was looking for more outfits for 
these two and found the "Glitter Girl Doll" 
outfits, at Target. These outfits fit them very well.

I found this swimsuit set first.  I wanted the girls to 
be able to swim this summer, cause boy it is hot!

Then I saw this Travel set.  It had a second swimsuit 
as well as PJs, dress and accessories.

Lastly I found this Sparkle Fashion outfit, but I 
accidentally ordered two sets!

Willa in the Travel Dress.

Kendall in the PJs

Kendall and Willa wearing their matching 
Sparkle outfits.
I love the little Gummy shoes.

Both Girls: Can we swim now?!?

Ok OK!!

YAY! Our pool is filling up!

Look at us!  Look at us!!

Wait!  Take off your hairbands.

Float on your back!

Willa: Take my picture!

Kendall: Take my picture too!!


We love swimming!!


Anna said...

Hi Brenda,
The girls certainly look cute in the new outfits. The swimming looks like it was fun. I liked the glitter girls and their clothing when they came out, I didn't realise you could still buy them. They seem to have stopped selling them over here. They still sell the bigger Our Generation dolls though.
I hope the girls get to go swimming agin soon.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Anna,
Thank you! I had fun dressing them in their new clothes. I really was just looking for swim suits. The Wellie Wisher suits were a bit pricey, so I decided to try the Glitter Girl outfits. I did not find these in the store, but had to order online.

Maryn said...

The girls are so cute in their new clothes! Looks like they had a great time playing in the pool as well.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Mary,
Thank you! Yes, the girls had a wonderful time swimming. I was worn out however! Hahaha. I had fun playing with them in the pool.