My Dolls Click image to go to post

My Dolls Click image to go to post
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Monday, June 24, 2024

Madame Alexander Babydoll

I know, I just posted about getting Kendall, but 
I was SO excited to share about my newest
Babydoll, I couldn't wait!!

Here she is!

She is a 1965 Pussycat Doll
by Madame Alexander. 
She is 19".
You can see her cloth body is 
in good shape.

I can feel her crier in her back, but it is silent.
Even as a girl, I didn't like criers, so
I won't be trying to fix it.
What I really want to get to work on
is that hair!

Left side and...

Right side.  YIKES!

Her eyes are very cloudy.
She also has scrapes in her whites 
and her lips are much too bright pink.
Thankfully, her cheeks are nice and rosy.

Before I go any further, I wanted to test
to see if this cloudiness could be fixed.
I made a cone of paper and directed a
warm hairdryer into her eye.

After about 10 minutes you can see 
a big difference. Her left eye is
slowly clearing!  This means I may be able
to save her existing eyes!
I was afraid I'd have to replace them!

I continued for another 25 minutes!
Switching from one eye to the other.

When baby's eyes were clear, it was 
time for a hairwash. I used  
Revlon Shampoo for
synthetic hair.

This shampoo is available in most beauty
supply stores. Sometimes called 
"Wig Shampoo" And sometimes 
"Synthetic Hair Shampoo".

Don't be discouraged if a salesperson 
has no idea what you are talking about.
If they sell synthetic hair, 
they should have this. 

You may find a different brand!
The important thing is, it is 
shampoo made for synthetic hair.

Then I poured "Heads Up!" styler conditioner
into my palm and worked it all through her hair.
I did not rinse, just left it in her damp hair.
I added a bit more on the tips as I brushed.

These products are available online.  Just do a search
for "Heads Up!" doll shampoo. 
All these products are good. I do really like the
styler conditioner and use it the most. 

I always use a metal tine brush for all doll hair.
Always keep your doll brush JUST for dolls.
The oils in human hair can cause 
dolls hair to hold onto dirt.

I keep these smaller doll brushes for styling.
I used this small comb to work through curls
as I brushed them around my finger.

This is how to finger curl.  Brush the damp
 hair around your finger until you are
satisfied. These dolls had a kind of 
curl perm when they were manufactured.
Cleaning and brushing can bring back 
curls that were already there.

Due to a doll's age, her hair might not 
be perfect. I always shoot for 
best improvement I can. I think
her hair is looking pretty good!

Her hair wanted to stand up in front and on
the sides.  A couple bobby pins can hold
hair until it is dry.  Her hair is still a little
 frizzy on the ends, but I can accept that.

Next I wanted to make her lips a
 more natural color. I gathered a
few colors I thought might make a 
good mix.

This is brown, melon and light
flesh tone. I mixed them and played 
with the colors until I found 
something I liked.

I was NOT very successful!
This little girl's lip color was a struggle!

I redid her lips so many times!!
I just kept washing off with a damp
paper towel and trying again!
I also repainted the whites of her eyes
using a very tiny brush.

I eventually used a mix of 
"Real Brown", "Burnt Orange"
and "Wild Berry".

Next I decided to replace her lashes.
I wanted to experiment with
human false lashes.

I cut the lashes into small pieces
that would be easier to manage.
I made a small glue spot on my paper.

Using tweezers, I swished the lash lightly
through the glue, then applied
 to lash line on her eyelid.
There were a LOT of attempts.
I'm happy with the results!

Next I selected this 3 months size vintage 
baby dress.
You may recognize this dress from...

My first Pussycat Doll. Bonnie was 
wearing this dress when I found her!

BUT, the elastic in the sleeves is all stretched 
out. My sewing supplies are still packed!
So, what did I do?

I used a tiny hairband wrapped around
the sleeve and pulled the sleeve into place.
This will be a good temporary fix until
I find my sewing supplies.

Want to see her now??




I think this dress looks better on this baby.

Looking a little sleepy.

Before and After.

Before and After face.

Here she is with her new sisters.

Here are my two Pussycat dolls side by side.

SO, This little girl still needs a name!
These are the suggestions I've gotten:


Please welcome...

Leila Mavis!!


Maryn said...

Almira is beautiful! Another amazing restoration!

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Mary,
Thank you! I am very happy with Almira, "Aly" for short.

Anna said...

Hi Brenda,
Almira looks beautiful. Her lip colour looks a lot better and I am amazed how nice her hair looks now. Thanks for another wonderful post.

Brenda Savage said...

HI Anna,
Thank you! I love how she turned out too. The MA baby dolls have such sweet pouty faces. I have orfered a new vintage dress for her, hopefully it will arrive soon!