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Monday, August 19, 2024

Utah to Portland - Part One

 Eureka, Nevada to Eureka, CA

Viola: Julia! We got a letter from Great-Aunt Lillian...
Julia: What does she say?
Viola: Well, here read for yourself.

Julia: It is amazing how much Grandma Lethea 
and Her sister Lillian still look alike.
Viola: Yes, but they are twins you know. 

Julia: Yes, but they have such diffrerent lives!
Grandma stayed in Texas and plays Bingo.
Aunt Lillian lives in Portland and 
sang in a nightclub!

Viola: Yes, they are very different...are we gonna go?
Julia: Yes, I think we should.

Viola: Here we go! Road Trip!
Julia: Bye for now Utah.

Julia: It says here, that US 50 is considered 
"The Loneliest Highway".

Viola: I believe it!

Julia: Look! A State Park! Let's stop and stretch our legs!
Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park
Viola: What is an Ichthy-whats-it?

Viola: Julia, It's a ghost town!
Julia: Yes, it was the miners who must have
first found the fossils!

Julia: It says here that Ichthyosaurs were 
a type of water-dwelling dinosaur.

Viola: Boy howdy! These miners knew how to live!

Oooh.  Aaah....

Back on the road.

Three Hours later....
Are we ever going to see a town?

Julia: The map shows Eureka, Nevada in another
45 minutes. I hope they have a hotel!

Viola: Eureka! It's Eureka! And there's a hotel!

Julia: Which room is ours?
Viola: I think we are in "White Pine"

Julia: Well, looks like we're sharing!
Viola: Just like when we were kids, huh?

Julia: Oooh, a bath sounds great!
Viola: Yes, you go first. It will refresh 
us before dinner.

Viola: Looks like it's just us for dinner!

Julia: Goodnight Viola. Sweet dreams.
Viola: Zzzzz


Viola: Look! WATER!
Julia:  It's lovely!

Viola: Finally, California!!

Julia: Finally, some trees!

Julia: Oh my, It's very smoky from fires.
Viola: We'll be fine, the fires are under control by now.

Viola:  Weaverville is so cute!
Julia: I love all these little California towns.
Viola: Watch out for that bus!

Viola: OK, just a couple hours through
 these mountains!

Viola:  Eureka! We're in Eureka...Again.
Julia: Eureka, CA!

Eureka is such a cute village!

Viola: There's a nice place for dinner just ahead.
Julia: I hope it's not far, it's getting late.

Julia: Oh, look it's an Inn and a restaurrant!
Viola: Let's see if they have a room to stay here!

Julia: Ah, our own beds!
Viola: I'm beat. It was a long drive.
Julia: Me too, I'm going straight to sleep.

Viola: Goodnight Julia.
Julia: Goodnight Viola, sweet dreams.

Humbolt Bay, Eureka, CA

Stay Tuned for Part 2,
Eureka, CA to Portland, OR!


Maryn said...

What a fun adventure/ trip! I enjoyed seeing all the sights and am sure Julia and Viola had a great visit with Aunt Lillian!

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Mary,
Thankyou! I'm am so glad you enjoyed the girls trip - so far! They only made it to the California coast, they will make the rest of the trip to Oregon in the next post!

Anna said...

Hi Brenda, I enjoyed this post and seeing all your lovely photos. The area looks so different to where I live. I am glad your girls are having so much fun. You'll have to teach them to stop at the thrift stores along the way! Anna

Brenda Savage said...

Hi Anna,
Thank you! In reality, my DH and I did stop at losts of antique shops and thrift stores! I may ada a stop or two in the second part of their adventure!

butterfly said...

What A great blog , hugs June.

Brenda Savage said...

Hi June,
Thank you! I enjoy creating these posts, so I am very happy you are enjoying it.